StandupIndo Website: Comedy Club Near Your Location

My Role

Designer & Developer


Jan 2025

Short Description

A community profiling website that displays data for over 100 comedy clubs affiliated with StandupIndo, located throughout Indonesia.

Current Status 2025

Published Live


Many people are still unaware of StandupIndo existence.

With over 100 affiliate communities across Indonesia, Standup Indonesia is the world's largest standup comedy community. However, its existence remains relatively unknown. Greater awareness could enhance the standup comedy ecosystem by attracting more audiences and providing comedians with essential spaces to practice and grow.


Community Map

The main feature of this website is displaying all community data categorized by province. Users can select a province, and the website will then show all the communities within that province, along with their open mic schedules and Instagram accounts.

Community Profiling

In addition to serving as a database for all communities, this website will also function as a community profile platform, providing more detailed information about each community, including its history, management structure, how to join, and photos of their activities.


Start With Figma, Develop with WordPress

I started everything with Figma, gathering assets and designing the UI. I used Adobe Illustrator to create the map and edited the code to make it interactive, allowing each province to be a custom link when hovered over.

Explore the Comedy Club Database


Feedback From Comic & Audience

I interviewed several comedians and audience members to test the website I designed and developed. Out of 20+ people who tried it, I used a Likert scale to evaluate the website, and the average score was 9.2.

General Feedbcak

From Comedians:

  • Very helpful when looking for practice venues.
  • Can be used to map open mic locations and try performing for new audiences.
  • Useful for planning and considering venues for shows.

From Audiences:

  • Quite helpful for finding standup comedy events, especially when traveling to a different city.
  • Provides insights into the standup comedy scene in Indonesia.

Quick Recap

Explore more! See my other works here:

Event Ended

Please stay tuned, I'll be back with another gig